La consommation de jus de grenade diminue le taux sanguin de cholestérol total et de LDL chez l’homme


[wpfilebase tag=file id=122 /]Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fruit is widely consumed as fresh fruit and juice. In this experimental and laboratory study, antioxidant properties of pomegranate juice and peel extract of three variety were evaluate. Their antioxidant properties by different method were measured.

Results are expressed as mean±SD. The statistical examination of the data was performed using the SPSS version 11.5 program. Mean values of antioxidant activity in different cultivars were compared by using analysis of the variance (ANOVA) test.

When significant (p<0.05) difference was detected, the results showed that pomegranate juice of malas variety had markedly higher antioxidant capacity than the other. In the present study, the FRAP value of juice of three cultivars of pomegranate was determined in an attempt to make a systematic comparison among their antioxidant activities. Further studies on the effective antioxidants contained in these pomegranate juice and the mechanisms by which they protect against disease development are highly recommended.

The results showed that the contents of total phenolics, flavonoids were higher in peel extract of wild soar variety than in malas pomegranate extract .The large amount of phenolics contained in peel extract may cause its strong antioxidant ability. We concluded that shomal soar pomegranate peel extract appeared to have more potential as than malas variety extracts. Moreover, we studied effect of two wariety pj on plasma cholesterol and LDL of hypercholesrolemia patients. The finding showed those patients ‘ total cholesterol and LDL.C in three groups, after consumption showed a significant decrease at p<0.01 the levels of blood total cholesterol and LDL c.

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