L’EFSA confirme l’action du concentré de tomates hydrosoluble dans l’amélioration de la circulation sanguine


[wpfilebase tag=file id=127 /]The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has been established between the consumption of water-soluble tomato concentrate (i.e., WSTC I and II corresponding to the specifications provided by the applicant) and the reduction in platelet aggregation under the new conditions of use proposed by the applicant (i.e., consumed as powder, tablets or capsules).

The target population is  adults between 35 and 70 years of age. The Panel considers that there is no basis to restrict the conditions of use to this age range in the adult population.

Water-soluble tomato concentrate (WSTC) contains naturally occurring anti-platelet compounds which have been shown to suppress blood platelet activity in healthy people after consumption. Consuming WSTC reduces platelet aggregability, thereby maintaining the blood in a fluid and low-coagulable state. This helps to maintain healthy blood flow, by preventing micro-aggregates forming within the circulation, and by preventing the adherence of platelets to blood vessel walls or fatty plaques. Platelet function is not completely suppressed, and an appropriate level is maintained so that platelets can aggregate upon vascular injury. However after WSTC consumption, circulating platelets will be less responsive to activating factors, such as plasma VLDL or signals from inflammatory cells. This maintains the haemostatic balance required for a healthy vascular circulation.

Water-Soluble Tomato Concentrate (WSTC) I and II helps maintain normal platelet aggregation, which contributes to healthy blood flow.

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