AccueilVaccinsRobert F. Kennedy, Jr. Holds a Press Conference in Berlin After Launching...

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Holds a Press Conference in Berlin After Launching CHD’s Europe Chapter

Source : Children’s health defense

By Children’s Health Defense Team

On Friday August 28, 2020, Mr. Kennedy, chair of Children’s Health Defense, held a press conference and met with the leaders of the newly-formed Children’s Health Defense Europe Chapter. In attendance were Senta Depuydt and Tina Choy (board members of CHD Europe), RA Markus Haintz (Querdenken-731 Ulm), and Heiko Schöning (MD, Ärzte für Aufkärung). While in Berlin he will also meet with colleagues from all over Europe to discuss global challenges to health and human rights.

Saturday, August 29th, he will speak to what is anticipated to be the largest crowd in German history. (CHD will be streaming LIVE from our Facebook page.) Over one million people from every nation in Europe will rally for freedom, peace, free expression and respect.

In photo below, RFK, Jr. is with organizers Dr Heiko Schoening, M.D. and Attorneys Markus Haintz & Rolf Karpenstein in front of Brandenburg Gate where his uncle, President John F Kennedy, gave his famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963.


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