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1200 Studies- Truth Will Prevail

Source : wellnessdoc

Thousands of Scientists and Researchers Weigh In…

to Shed Light and Truth on One of The Most Hotly Debated Topics of Our Time

I have spent 2 1/2 years and over 2,500 hours compiling this exposé, with the goal of sharing it with the world. Since then, over the last 2 years I have given away over 100,000 FREE downloads of 1200 Studies- Truth Will Prevail to people from 36 countries. I have written numerous articles for professional trade journals, vaccine risk awareness advocacy groups, appeared on podcasts and spoken at vaccine education/awareness conferences and since March have produced a monthly newsletter focusing on the COVID-19 issue. In order to be able to continue doing this important gratuitous work, I have had to make the difficult decision to charge something for my eBook. As of November 21st, 2020, I have begun to charge $6.95 for it. For a nominal amount, you will access to an expansive amount of information at your fingertips. Since 1200 Studies is a living document, I plan on updating it every few months, adding the latest scientific evidence in an effort to provide vaccine safety awareness advocates and the general public a valuable resource and the ability to counter vaccine industry propaganda. Until there is a paradigm shift in vaccine safety, we must press on despite social media censorship, pharma propaganda and massive special interest forces. And now with the possibility of vaccine mandates looming and social media censorship preventing the sharing of critical information, grassroots efforts must be doubled.

A Special Resource

Get this 737-page interactive eBook, now containing excerpts from over 1,400 published PubMed studies, themselves containing thousands of additional supportive references. The science contradicts what we are being told by many medical doctors, the media, our government officials and the pharmaceutical industry about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. We are told time and time again, that vaccines are extremely safe and effective and that “the science is settled” on the matter. Well I have news for those who think so. There are thousands of scientists and researchers that disagree. And, you are about to meet them and hear what they have to say. The bottom line is that THE SCIENCE IS FAR FROM SETTLED!

I Have Made Navigating and Finding Information EASY for You

(Even if you’re not a doctor or scientist)

1200 Studies is an interactive document. The format this document is being presented in, maximizes your ability to search by key word or phrase and jump from Table of Contents directly to items that you want to see with a mouse click. And, it will allow you to access the actual research, the studies and the articles instantly. That way you can immediately check to see if what my document says is true. Books can be tedious to wade through and checking references difficult and time consuming. This e-book changes all of that! It makes it all FAST AND EASY in just a click of your mouse.


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